Now available the new infographics on “New drugs in obesity” developed by the Grupo de trabajo de Nutrición Clínica SEFH.
You can consult it through the Infographics section of the group's website or by clicking on this next one link.
Now available the new infographics on “Vitamin D in the elderly” elaborated by the Grupo de trabajo de Nutrición Clínica SEFH.
You can consult it through the Infographics section of the group's website or by clicking on this next one link.
Advanced online clinical nutrition course (2nd edition)
Registration is now open for the 2nd edition of the “Advanced online clinical nutrition course” addressed to hospital pharmacists. The course will begin on 22 January 2024 and end on 22 June 2024.
The deadline for registrations is 15 January 2024 at 11:59 pm. For accessing the program and registering for the course please click on the link below:
The registration criteria are as follows:
- SEFH member.
- Specialist pharmacists in Hospital Pharmacy.
- All applications submitted will be ordered sequentially by the order of submission from the first day of registration until the last. If the received applications meeting the selection criteria exceed the available slots, a draw will be conducted to determine a DAY/HOUR/MINUTE and SECOND from which the allocation of slots will begin.
Literature reviews
You can access it by clicking on the following link:
Revisiones Bibliograficas Pediatria Diciembre 2023
Literature reviews
The new 2023 Literature Reviews bulletin is now available. In the months of September-October, the summaries have been prepared by Jan Thomas de Pourcq and David Berlana Martín.
You can check them through the following link or from the Literature Reviews section on the group's website.
68th SEFH Congress. Pre-Congress Course: WG NUTRICIÓN + CRONOS + GEAFEN
Moderator: NATIVIDAD LAGO RIVERO. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo
Introducción a la disfagia: prevalencia e impacto clínico. Complicaciones asociadas a la disfagia e impacto pronóstico. Cribado y diagnóstico. Adaptaciones nutricionales y de hidratación en este tipo de pacientes. Desnutrición y tratamiento nutricional en pacientes con disfagia. Medicamentos que pueden producir o agravar la disfagia. SERGIO MARÍN RUBIO. Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona
Uso de medicamentos en pacientes con disfagia: adecuación, algoritmos de decisión, manipulación correcta y segura. Administración y uso de espesantes. ELIA MARÍA FERNÁNDEZ VILLALBA. Centro Sociosanitario La Cañada, Valencia
Abordaje nutricional del paciente neurológico agudo (ACV) en una unidad de ictus y neurológico crónico (ELA) en la consulta externa. Experiencia práctica de integración del farmacéutico en equipos multidisciplinares. MARÍA CARMEN RIPA CIAURRIZ. Hospital Universitario Donostia, Guipúzcoa
Disfagia en el paciente con patología neurológica. Interacciones fármaco-nutrientes en enfermedades neurodegenerativas, ¿Cómo minimizarlas? ÁNGEL GUILLERMO ARÉVALO BERNABÉ. Hospital Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona
Online Course on Clinical Nutrition for Resident Pharmacists and Specialist Pharmacists
Registration is now open for the 2nd edition of the "Online Course on Clinical Nutrition" aimed at resident pharmacists and specialist pharmacists. The course is organized by the Clinical Nutrition Working Group of the SEFH (Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy).
The registration period is open until September 25, 2023, at 23:59h.
The course will commence on October 2, 2023, and run until December 2, 2023.
Anyone interested in registering can do so through the following link, where the complete program of the course can also be consulted:
The registration criteria are as follows:
- SEFH member with a minimum of two years of membership.
- Specialist pharmacists in Hospital Pharmacy and residents.
- No more than 2 registrations per hospital.
- All applications submitted will be ordered sequentially by the order of submission from the first day of registration until the last. If the received applications meeting the selection criteria exceed the available slots, a draw will be conducted to determine a DAY/HOUR/MINUTE and SECOND from which the allocation of slots will begin.
Literature reviews
Available the new bulletin of Bibliographic Reviews of June and July 2023. In these reviews, Sergio Marin and Cristina Cuesta have been in charge of making the summaries.
A bibliographic review on critically ill patients from the last year and a bibliographic review on the most relevant articles in clinical nutrition from the journals Nutrients, Clinical Nutrition ESPEN and Nutrición Hospitalaria are included.
You can consult them through the link below or from the Bibliographic Reviews section:
Literature reviews
The latest bulletin of the 2023 Bibliographic Reviews is now available.
In the month of April-May, Lucrecia Bourgon has been in charge of making the summaries of the most relevant articles in recent months. In addition, Patricia Bravo has been in charge of carrying out a bibliographical review on dysphagia in the last year.
You can consult them through the following link or from the Bibliographic Reviews section of the group's website:
SEFH Spring School
III Spring School of the SEFH on May 22 and 23, in virtual format (Streaming).
Objective: to value the work of the 30 Work Groups, as well as to learn more about their activities and projects, establishing synergies and collaborative actions between them.
Access to the conference will be through the following link:
Pharmacy Course, a fundamental axis in Clinical Nutrition
Pre-Congress Course on Pharmacy, a fundamental axis in Clinical Nutrition 2023 of the XII Chilean Congress of Clinical Nutrition, Obesity and Metabolism.
The course aims to review the evidence and provide practical tools on nutritional therapy from the pharmaceutical point of view (from theory to practice), which can have both positive and negative repercussions on patients. Practical course for solving problems that may arise in the clinical setting, aimed at developing analytical skills and pharmaceutical considerations that may influence or affect the quality of nutritional support.
Date: May 31
Duration: 1 face-to-face day or 2 days online
Accreditation: 20 hours
Literature reviews
The workgroup’s February-March 2023 literature review bulletin is now available. The summaries were prepared by Pablo Selvi and Irene Morona.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
February-March literature reviews
Literature reviews
We have published our first literature review this year! It is dedicated to pediatrics and was prepared by Isabel Caba, who brought together a series of outstanding articles on the subject.
You can access it by clicking on the following link:
Literature reviews
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to November-December 2022, is now available. It was prepared by Irene Morona and Jan Thomas De Pourcq.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
Registration is now open for the Advanced Course on the Nutritional-Pharmacological Care on Frail Elderly Patients. The registration period ends on Thursday 29 September at 2:00 pm (or when seating capacity is reached).
The course will begin on 1 October.
For further information, please click on the following link:
Admission criteria:
- Attendees must be hospital pharmacists with SEFH membership
- Not more than two registrations per hospital will be accepted
SEFH’s CRONOS workgroup, in collaboration with the Clinical Nutrition and Tecno workgroups, has developed DEGLUFARM, a smartphone app aimed at facilitating the administration of medicines to patients with swallowing problems.
Available for Android and IOS.
20 QUESTIONS - 20 ANSWERS in intradialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN)
This document was prepared to address questions related to the use of IDPN as a treatment option. It discusses the ideal composition of IDPN solutions, the times at which IDPN must be implemented or discontinued and the duration and monitoring of administration.
Intradialytic parenteral nutrition
Literature reviews
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to June-July 2022, is now available.
The work was done by Cristina Cuesta and Sergio Marin, and the journals selected were Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Nutrients, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (JPEN) and Frontiers in Nutrition.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
2nd SEFH Spring School
The 2nd SEFH Spring School will be held on 7th & 8th June in remote mode.
For accessing the program and registering for the course please click on the link below:
Registration deadline: 5 June, at 11:59 pm.
SEFH’s Clinical Nutrition workgroup will be hosting a panel on 7th June at 5:00 pm titled "Success stories and management of nutritional care by hospital pharmacies."
Don’t miss it!
Literature reviews
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to April-May 2022, is now available. It was prepared by Pablo Selvi and Lucrecia Bourgon.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
SENPE’s pharmacy workgroup
The annual meeting of SENPE’s pharmacy workgroup will take place on Friday 20th May, during the 2022 SENPE Congress. Please click on the link below if you’re interested in attending the meeting.
DATE AND TIME: Friday 20th May / 8:00-09:00 am
67th SEFH Congress - Barcelona
If you’re interested in reviewing and evaluating the papers submitted for the 67th SEFH Congress to be held this year in Barcelona, please send the workgroup an email stating your name and contact details before Monday 16th May.
Literature reviews
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to February-March 2022, is now available.
It contains reviews made by David Berlana of articles published in Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition ESPEN and Nutrición Hospitalaria, and of a monograph of dysphagia by Patricia Bravo.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
February-March literature reviews
CANCER: PAIN, NUTRITION & PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CONGRESS (6th Pain & Cancer Congress – 3rd Oncological nutrition congress)
The congress will be held onsite at the Meliá Avenida de América Hotel in Madrid on 31 March and 1 April 2022. Papers may be submitted until 28th February.
For accessing the program and registering for the congress please click on the link below:
2nd critical pediatric patient nutrition conferenceo
Registration is now open for the “2nd critical pediatric patient nutrition conference”. NURICIP 2022. VIRTUAL EDITION. The conference will take place on 17th, 24th and 31st March 2022 in virtual format.
For accessing the program and registering for the conference please click on the link below:
Advanced online clinical nutrition course (1st edition)
The registration period has been extended until 15 February or until seating capacity is reached.
Admission criteria:
- Be a SEFH member (minimum two years old)
- Attendees must be hospital pharmacists or 4th year residents with at least two years of SEFH membership. Extended to 2nd and 3rd year residents.
- Not more than two registrations per hospital will be accepted
Advanced online clinical nutrition course (1st edition) addressed to hospital pharmacists and 4th-year residents
Registration is now open for the 1st edition of the “Advanced online clinical nutrition course” addressed to hospital pharmacists and 4th-year residents. The course will begin on 1 February and end on 30 June 2022.
The deadline for registrations is 28 January at 11:59 pm. For accessing the program and registering for the course please click on the link below:
Admission criteria:
- Be a SEFH member (minimum two years old)
- Attendees must be hospital pharmacists or 4th year residents with at least two years of SEFH membership.
- Not more than two registrations per hospital will be accepted
Literature reviews
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to November-December 2021, is now available. It was prepared by Isabel Caba.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
Literature reviews November-December 2021
Courses and conferences
Information on forthcoming courses and conferences is already available on our website:
- 2nd Nutrition Conference for Hospital Pharmacists: “Nutrition in cancer patients”
More information:
Conference program: Oncologic_nutrition_webinar_program
- Conference: Pharmacological-nutritional care of patients on home enteral nutrition: challenges and opportunities for hospital pharmacies:
More information:
Conference program: Pharmacological-nutritional webinar program
Telegram group
Please use the link below if you wish to join the new Nutrition Group on Telegram. The group was created to keep our members informed about the workgroup’s latest activities and address any questions you may have.
We hope you find it useful!
The Medynut app is now available! This app provides information on a selection of 900 active ingredients that may result in alterations in an individual’s nutritional status, including appetite, weight and taste changes, mouth dryness, metabolic and micronutrient alterations, body composition alterations, dysphagia, diarrhea, constipation, mucositis, nausea and vomiting.
For more information, please click on the link below or the workgroup’s Symbaloo space.
Malnutrition Week #SDLD2021 (22-29 November).
- Webinar: The need to provide optimal nutritional care to cancer patients in Spain: overview of the Spanish healthcare policy (22 November at 5:00 pm)
- Webinar: The need to provide optimal nutritional care to cancer patients in Spain: the health system’s perspective (29 November at 5:00 pm)
You may register by clicking on the link below:
2nd Nutrition Conference for Hospital Pharmacists. “Nutrition in cancer patients”
The conference will be held on 16 & 17 November 2021 (5:00 a 7:00 pm) in remote mode through zoom. Click on the link below to register for the conference (only SEFH members):
Pharmacological-nutritional care of patients on home enteral nutrition: challenges and opportunities for hospital pharmacies
The webinar “Pharmaceutical-nutritional care of patients on home enteral nutrition: challenges and opportunities for hospital pharmacies will take place on 12 November. It will be delivered in remote mode via zoom from 8.15h - 9.00h.
Click on the link below to register for the conference (only SEFH members):
Hospital-based pediatric nutrition handbook (5th edition)
The latest update of the Hospital-based pediatric nutrition handbook, prepared by Barcelona’s Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, is now available.
This is a quick reference handbook covering a wide-range of nutritional scenarios. All the contents of previous editions have been updated and some new chapters have been added such as one on the nutrition of patients on ECMO.
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to August and September 2021 is now available. It was prepared by David Berlana and Jan T De Pourcq.
We hope you find the summaries interesting!
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
Literature reviews August-September 2021
Clinical Nutrition Introductory course addressed to staff and resident hospital pharmacists
Registration is now open for the Clinical Nutrition Introductory Course for staff and resident hospital pharmacists. The course was prepared by SEFH’s Clinical Nutrition workgroup in collaboration with Fresenius Kabi.
The course will last from 1 October to 30 November 2021.
For accessing the program and registering for the course please click on the link below:
Admission criteria:
- Be a SEFH member
- Attendees must be hospital pharmacists or residents with SEFH membership
- Places will be strictly allocated on a first-come-first-served bases.
Registrations will be accepted until 28 September or until seating capacity Is reached
Specialization course on critical patient nutrition
Registration is now open for the specialization course on critical patient nutrition, designed by SEFH’s Clinical Nutrition workgroup and sponsored by Fresenius Kabi.
The course will last from 13 September 2021 to 28 February 2022.
Admission criteria:
- Be a SEFH member
- Attendees must be hospital pharmacists and 4th year residents with at least 2 years of SEFH membership
- Not more than two registrations per hospital will be accepted
- Places will be allocated strictly on a first-come-first-served basis
For accessing the program and registering for the course please click on the link below:
The workgroup’s summer literature review, corresponding to June-July 2021, is now available. It was prepared by Sergio Marin and Pablo Selvi and includes a series of key points intended to facilitate a critical analysis.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
The document presented at the expert meeting on the management of patients with short bowel syndrome by hospital pharmacies is now available.
You may access it through the website’s courses and conferences section or by clicking on the following links:
Final consensus document:
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to April-May 2021, is now available. It was prepared by Cristina Cuesta and Lucrecia Bourgon.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to February-March 2021, is now available. It was prepared by Eduardo Tejedor and Juan Carlos Perez.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
We have launched our 2021 literature reviews with an interesting bulletin dedicated to pediatric pharmacy. In it, Isabel Caba analyzes a variety of articles published on the subject during 2020.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
The workgroup’s last literature review of 2020, corresponding to the month of November, is now available. It was prepared by Sergio Marin and Laia Pérez.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to October 2020, is now available. It was prepared by Pilar Campillos and Cristina Cuesta.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to September 2020, is now available. It was prepared by Lucrecia Bourgon and Sara Vallinas.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to May-June 2020, is now available. It was prepared by our colleagues Sergio Marin and Eduardo Tejedor. We’re sure you’ll find the articles reviewed very interesting!
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
After the break caused by the pandemic, the literature reviews corresponding to March and April are already available. The summaries were prepared by Lucrecia Bourgon and Elena Prado. We hope you find them interesting!
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
A summary of the ASPEN and ESPEN recommendations for the nutritional management of patients with COVID-19 (April 2020) is now available. It was prepared by SEFH’s Clinical Nutrition Workgroup.
Click on the following link to access the document: ASPEN ESPEN COVID summary
You may review the original documents by clicking on the following link:
ESPEN recommendations
ASPEN recommendations
The workgroup’s latest literature review, corresponding to February 2020, is now available. This month we have reviewed Clinical Nutrition and Clinical nutrition ESPEN. The work was carried out by Sergio Martin, Laia Perez and Sara Vallinas.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
The latest literature review, corresponding to January 2020 is now available. The review, which contains summaries of articles published in Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Nutrición Hospitalaria, BMC and JN, was prepared by Virginia Bosó and Eduardo Tejedor.
You may access it through the website’s literature review section or by clicking on the following link:
Below you will find a link to the requirements to apply for scholarships under the ESPEN 2020 research project program.
Please check it and spread the word!!
2nd Clinical Nutrition Course for 3rd-year residents. Madrid, 20th & 21st February 2020
Registration is now open for the Clinical Nutrition Course for 2nd and 3rd-year pharmacy residents, organized by SEFH’s Clinical Nutrition workgroup in collaboration with Fresenius Kabi.
If you are a 2nd or 3rd year resident and wish to register for the course, you may do so by clicking on the link below, where you will also find the preliminary program:
Los criterios de inscripción serán:
1. Ser socio SEFH.
2. Ser Residente de 2º y 3er Año en Farmacia Hospitalaria, con especial interés en la nutrición.
3. Distribución equitativa con relación a los siguientes criterios: ámbito geográfico, tipo de hospital (público/privado) y tamaño del mismo.
4. Orden de llegada.
Admission criteria:
- Be a SEFH member
- Attendees must be 2nd or 3rd year hospital pharmacy residents with SEFH membership and a special interest in nutrition
- Not more than two registrations per hospital will be accepted
- Places will be allocated equitably according to the following criteria: place of origin, type of hospital (public/private), size of hospital.
- Places will be allocated strictly on a first-come-first-served basis.
Registration deadline: 31 January 2020 at 11.59 pm.