blue flower

Main goal:

To foster and promote scientific, technical, academic, functional and educational activities among hospital pharmacists in the fields of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs): gene therapy (GT), somatic cell therapy (SCT), and tissue engineering (TE).

Specific goals:

  • To analyze the current situation of pharmacy departments in Spain with regard to the use of advanced therapies, and identify potential areas of improvement.
  • To promote training in the field of advanced therapies among hospital pharmacists.
  • To establish collaborative networks with other SEFH workgroups, with hospitals and with other scientific societies.
  • To disseminate information on advanced therapies and the Group’s activities.
  • To ensure that healthcare professionals in general (not just hospital pharmacists but also specialists such as oncologists and neurologists) have a better understanding of the advanced therapies.
  • To design a cross-sectional training program on CAR-T therapy and on other kinds of gene therapy, and on tissue engineering.
  • To develop different advanced therapy projects ensuring that they do not focus exclusively on aspects pertaining to hospital pharmacy but also on creating strategic partnerships with workgroups from other Spanish scientific societies.
  • To generate knowledge through the development of research projects together with other professionals.
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