Group meetings are held every two months

The documents published by the Group are adopted by consensus at these meetings

Each ‘Technology Assessment Criteria’ document is structured as follows:

  • Technology definition
  • Purpose
  • System connections
  • Software requirements, and their degree of need, documenting whether or not they are essential, and whether or not access to databases or connections to other systems is necessary.
  • Reports and Operations. Option of exporting data and producing customizable reports on activity, quality and economic indicators.

Periodically, the workgroup carries out research studies/projects, with objectives such as validating some of the published documents, providing data that can serve as a reference for the implementation of new technologies in hospitals, etc.

The workgroup organizes a modular continuing education three‑year course for hospital pharmacists on information systems and new technologies for medicine use processes. It also organizes an annual conference for hospital pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.