cronos slide 07



El continuo envejecimiento de la población y la cronificación de las enfermedades, han facilitado la aparición de un nuevo perfil del paciente, el Paciente Crónico Frágil.Este paciente, se caracteriza por presentar, entre otros, pluripatología, polimedicación, deterioro funcional, diferentes grados y tipos de dependencia, cronificación de enfermedades y síndromes geriátricos.

En los últimos tiempos, el interés por este tipo de pacientes está en aumento, apareciendo la necesidad de reorientar el proceso asistencial para centrarlo en el paciente y no únicamente en el proceso agudo, de modo que se pueda realizar un abordaje integral en el que el farmacéutico desempeñe un papel fundamental dentro del equipo multidisciplinar de atención al paciente, garantizando además la continuidad del proceso durante la transición asistencial.

El reto de participar en el desarrollo de modelos eficientes y desarrollar estrategias para afrontar cronicidad, comorbilidad y fragilidad es clave para el desarrollo futuro de nuestra profesión, respondiendo así a las novedades de nuestra sociedad. Con este nuevo enfoque se presenta el Grupo CRONOS®.

Nuestra misión, visión y valores son los siguientes:

Misión: El Grupo CRONOS tiene el objetivo de facilitar la labor del farmacéutico especialista en el abordaje del paciente crónico complejo, en cualquiera de los posibles ámbitos asistenciales y desde una visión transversal e integradora, a través de actividades de investigación, formación y comunicación, para así conseguir mejorar los resultados en salud de los medicamentos sobre los pacientes crónicos complejos.

Visión: Ser considerados un elemento de liderazgo asistencial, docente y en investigación al servicio de la población en su conjunto y de las personas con enfermedades crónicas en particular.

Valores: innovación y creatividad, independencia, transparencia, flexibilidad


The present Regulations have been prepared in accordance with SEFH’s workgroup regulations. The purpose is to specify the Cronos workgroup goals, its internal work procedures, its membership and renewal rules as well as the communication channels between workgroup members.

 1. Goals
In general terms, SEFH’s CRONOS® Workgroup ® de la SEFH seeks to facilitate the work of hospital pharmacists who look afterfrail chronic patients across the various healthcare settings.
The specific goals to be pursued may therefore range from the use of the workgroup’s website as a communication channel among interested professionals to designing common organizational and/or investigative projects related to these patients. The workgroup’s steering committee shall at the beginning of each year submit a workplan specifying the goals to be pursued, the tasks to be carried out, and the work calendar to be followed.
2. Workgroup membership

CRONOS® Workgroup shall be open to any SEFH member interested in joining it. To join the workgroup, applicants must send an email with their personal and professional to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .The workgroup’s web administrator shall immediately proceed to register the applicant as a CRONOS® member.
The same procedure shall be followed to process membership cancellations as well as personal or professional data modifications.
Workgroup Structure

The workgroup’s steering committee shall be made up by a maximum of 10 members and must include a chair and a secretary. Its member base shall comprise as many SEFH members as have applied for membership.
At least 20% of the workgroup’s membership shall be renewed every two years by seniority, except by unanimous decision by the committee. The renewal of the steering committee membership shall take place between the months of October and November, after SEFH’s annual congress. As soon as the new committee takes office, it can start developing its own work program. Active workgroup members shall be informed about the commencement of the renewal process via the workgroup’s website or by e-mail so that they can put forward their candidacy. The steering committee, including its outgoing members, shall elect the new members by consensus or by simple majority with due consideration given, among others, to the need for professionals from different areas of pharmaceutical practice to be represented on the committee or the candidates’ contributions to the workgroup.
The workgroup coordinator and secretary shall be appointed by consensus of the steering committee members. Should consensus be unfeasible, the decision shall be adopted by simple majority. The renewal of these positions shall take place every two years for a maximum term of four years. The positions can only be filled by candidates sitting on the steering committee.
Communication channels

The CRONOS® Workgroup is open to the participation of any SEFH member who may be interested. This requires the establishment of simple communication channels between members and the steering committee, which ensure that all individual initiatives may be taken into consideration.
The main communication channel shall be the workgroup’s website. The steering committee shall use the website to publish the minutes of their meetings and launch opinion fora on matters of interest. It shall also ensure that the information related to the pharmaceutical care of frail chronic patients contained in the website is constantly updated. Any change made to the website shall be notified through a twitter account created to that effect. For matters of particular importance, an e-mail shall be sent to all active workgroup members.
To get in touch with the steering committee, members must send an e-mail addressed to the workgroup’s secretary, who shall contact the different committee members to inform them about the proposals or comments received. The committee shall do its best to respond to the e-mails received.
The steering committee shall have the prerogative of summoning a workgroup member to participate in a meeting should they consider their presence critical for the success of the proposed activity.

Steering Committee

CRONOS® Workgroup®
12 June 2012
  • Facilitate the work of hospital pharmacists with respect to approaching frail chronic patients in an integrated manner across all the different healthcare settings.

  • Improve communication among the professionals who take care of these patients through a fit-for-purpose website, work meetings, training sessions and other activities of interest.
  • Develop common organization and research projects related to frail chronic patients.

Last News

The relentless aging of the population and the chronification of many diseases have resulted in the emergence of a new kind of patient, the Frail Chronic Patient. These patients are characterized by presenting, among others, with multiple conditions, polypharmacy, functional impairment, dependence of different types and at different levels, chronification of disease and geriatric syndromes.

The last few years have seen an increased interest in this kind of patients, which has led to the need to reorient the clinical process to focus it more on the patient and not so much on the acute disease process they suffer. This should allow a comprehensive approach to patients where pharmacists play a key role as part of the multidisciplinary care team, ensuring continuity of care throughout the patient’s treatment journey.

The challenge of participating in the development of effective models and developing strategies to cope with chronicity, comorbidities and frailty is key for the future development of our profession, which should respond to the changing needs of society. The Cronos workgroup® was created to rise to this challenge.

The workgroup’s mission, vision and values are as follows:

  • Mission: The CRONOS Workgroup seeks to facilitate the work of hospital pharmacists when approaching complex chronic patients across different clinical settings and adopting a cross-sectional and integrative perspective. The workgroup shall conduct different research, training and communication activities intended to improve the health outcomes achieved by medicines on complex chronic patients.
  • Vision: The Cronos workgroup shall gear its efforts to ensuring that hospital pharmacists are recognized for their clinical, educational and investigational leadership, which should be placed at the service of the general population and, particularly, of persons suffering from chronic diseases.
  • Values: innovation and creativity, independence, transparency, flexibility





Comité Coordinador



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